Anyway, I effin love my little Momonto. I've changed up his purpose and personality, but never his design. He's actually more of a monk dude now, a wandering warrior with a fighting style like Kilik. Cuz Kilik is badass and Son had an obsession with him once... or something.
Oh yeah, and Momonto is actually genderless. Waste leaves through one exit (sorta like a seastar). But Momonto gets to be a "he" cuz "he" is the more dominant pronoun when you think of him.
He likes hot tea and meditating at the asscrack of dawn. It would get annoying if he were the noisy type, but Momonto's pretty silent, wise in the ways of the world, never gets on your bad side. He knows very few people; me and a couple others he's met on his spiritual journey. He hangs out at my house often cuz he gets free meals, but any other time he's out somewhere in the world, just chillin', sleeping out in trees and communicating with others as little as possible.
I don't know what he believes, but I know for a fact that his beliefs mean that he isolates himself most of the time and he meditates alot. He also refuses to eat food with too much flavor (which is dope at my house, cuz alot of the food in my house is uber fatty and full of flavor xD so whenever he's over, he eats very little. I gotta buy him pita bread and stuff xD). He also can't attatch himself to material things and absolutely hates the fact that our world is such a place for it. He doesn't exactly scoff when he sees a spoiled 16 year old girl with her brand new range rover and she throws a shit fit over what color it is, he just kinda sighs and gets sad and goes off to meditate. He believes that his real home lies in a spiritual realm rather than this worldly one, which is why he moves around alot. Nowhere is home, just temporary hotel service. I guess you can say that Momonto is somewhat Bhuddist, except he doesn't believe in Bhudda. He just believes that this world is not his home. I'm not sure if the "attachment to material things" rule applies to other sapient beings, because he seems to regard other sapients as equals. Or something. I don't really know.
The only reason Momonto wields a staff is because there's evil out in the world. He's gotta defend himself SOMEHOW. His staff is a non-lethal weapon, and he'll only use it if he's in SERIOUS danger. If he is not attacked first, he won't do so much as lift a finger. If he's bothered, he'll just leave. He's a pretty simple creature. I just love him so much.