Thursday, August 5, 2010


Painted. Too pretty to not paint. I was originally going to go for the tiger skin/paint thing, but it just turned out this way.

I love her eyes. Her lips are nice too.


Drawn as a subject for the facebook graffitti contest. She ended up a little nonsymmetrical, less symmetrical than I would have liked, but she's still kinda pretty.

I wish I could earn enough money for a tablet, but lately, all of my money is going towards a) a vw bus, and b) regular spending money. And I haven't earned any money in a while, so that wish is looking pretty far away right now.
But still, the stuff I do with just a mouse looks amazing.


I just adore the mile-long collars and stuff. At the time I drew this (sometime last year), I wanted a YuGiOh character that was everything I loved about YuGiOh--awesome hair and facial features, mile-long collars and suits that look fancy but are worn casually. This is what I envisioned in Astridge. Here is his profile written on the back of the paper:

Name: Astridge Alexander Accalia
Age: 15
Personality: Short-tempered, loudmouth, no-nonsense attitude. Astridge is a cocked pistol and he knows it. He absolutely hates whiners, so anyone who dares whimper in his presence will get an earful. He often has a lot to say, and not all of it can be very respectful or relevant. He says what he feels on the spot, no matter who or what is around. Because of this some think he is a bit on the crazy side, but even those have become his loyal followers.
Misc info: Very powerful duelist. He uses a "fallen hero" themed deck that, when put into the right hands, can demolish enemies. Astridge is not afraid to flaunt or flex this power. He has a ring on a chain that he keeps as a memento of his family.
Role: Aside from the main plot, Astridge really doesn't exist. But because of his older sister, Vespera, he meets the five chosen of the Crimson Dragon, ultimately becoming part of the story.
Before these events, Astridge only met his sister in his dreams, but things changed and he met the group as the result of an automobile accident. He commands his legion to take care of the hurt group, especially unconscious Vespera. When she comes to, Astridge explains who he is (because she doesn't recognise him). A minor skirmish leads to an all-out duel between Astridge and Jack. A close call leaves both duelists at a draw, but things are still tight between the two afterwards. When the group leaves, Astridge extends his services to them, saying if they ever need help to just call--one of his gang members wouldn't be very far away. This leads to the group meeting a whole plethora of colorful characters and occasionally Astridge himself.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Shiny Charizard. This is what I do at night when I feel somewhat creative.
I think I should get back to Jared's picture... but I don't want to, because each time I look at it, I think of how much work I poured into it and how much time it's going to take and how pissed I got when all of that memory died on me...
Just... no.


Made for an RP site I go on. She is a pirate. 8D She's not totally finished, but I used her as an avatar, because she is the charrie, after all. I imagined a pirate chick to be blonde, supertan (because of the ocean sun) and have long ropes of dreadlock hair. In her hair is anything and everything shiny-- precious gems, gold bands, rings knotted into the dreads to keep from falling. They have lost their luster but not their shine. She is dirty most of the time from not washing, but she doesn't really care.
What I like most about Deyhja is that she is a Jateri--a humanoid creature that is basically totally human but had horns on either their temples or behind their ears. Most Jateri have curled horns like a ram, but I gave Deyhja oryx horns to mix things up a bit.
This is her description on the site:

A young female Jateri with well-tanned skin and platinum blonde hair worn in decorated dreadlocks. She doesn't bother to wash it, since she is usually out at sea using only fresh water for drinking, so her once bright, fine hair is often described by others as dirty blonde or grey. Her eyes are round and owl grey, with lashes grown long and thick, adapted to block out the sun. Her face is a mix of heart-shaped and oval. She is small to medium in height, with a medium to small frame. Most of her body weight is muscle, yet she is not on her way to being a weightlifter. She is trim in figure, but is not without a girlish figure. The horns on her head are almost the same color as her hair, if only a little bit darker, browner. They are similar to that of an oryx and don't grow high off of her head, maybe about less than a foot tall. They are placed delicately on the temples, hidden in her dreadlock hair.

She wears clothes like any other pirate wears, if maybe just a little bit less covered. She wears her favorite jacket--a royal navy's coat with the sleeves cut off for ventilation. The summers on the sea get hot, as any good pirate should know. Underneath is a large sash tied around her breasts for both support and what little prudence she has. Her trousers are loose-fitting breeches tied at the waist with a sash. She wears no shoes and prefers to go anywhere barefoot. Shoes are alien on her feet.
Her personality, however, is unlike her coquettish looks. She's a lean, mean fighting machine--her weapons are the cutlass and pistol and isn't shy about using them. She hates being cheated and lied to, and those cheaters and liars are promptly shot, that is if she has any bullets, which she often doesn't, spending all the money she has on rum. So she'll try to be sneaky with the knives, but it usually ends in failure, so she'll compensate by getting drunk and stealing rum off of those who are more drunk than she.
She has a secret--she is a mother, or ex-mother. She doesn't know. She had a child when she was just a teen and left the baby on her parent's doorsteps and ran away from home. She doesn't know if the baby still lives because she knows that her parents were never fond of hers and her lover's bonding, so it could be dead for all she knows. She presumes it to be dead, but fantasizes at night that her child still lives and is looking for her.
So here is Deyhja the Pirate. 8D